Well, an interesting two days that surely wiped out all the negative stuff that happened earlier in the week.
On Friday, it was my brief appearance on the CBC News.
Today, I found out by checking out the VPL.ca website that "Showing Their Scales" by KP Wee has been ordered by the public library! Hooray! That means the book will be on the shelves soon enough.
During the graduation party of the previous group of students that finished my course, I presented the student with the top score a signed copy of my book.
On Friday, another group of students completed the course, but I didn't hand out any prizes. Two students failed to receive a diploma because they didn't successfully fulfill the requirements of the program, so it wasn't really a celebration for everyone else, I would think.
Besides, I spent the bulk of the day researching the CBC stuff I was talking about and had to run off to another meeting after that.
Anyway, wonder if there'll be any more nice stuff coming...