Yesterday I came across
To me, that story was a classic, only because it shows that someone out there counted his or her chickens before they were hatched.
Reading that just made my day, as last year, I was criticized by many on Bleacher Report because I wrote negative things about people's favourite (and generally overrated/overpaid) athletes or teams. People called me names, wrote offensive comments, and generally called me a failure and a loser/wannabe, and whatever derogatory things you could imagine.
I could look up those articles again and post those dumb comments on here, but I couldn't be bothered to do that.
In the end, I'm not any of those things that I was labelled. I've now, with "Replacement Pitcher", had several books published. How can that be a failure?
You could call the second anon poster one, but certainly not me. :-) It cracks me up every single time I think about that person's plight. I certainly feel vindicated. I purposely chose a small publisher--because I want to get published. Others will feel those big, traditional ones are the true big leagues, in which case, I'll point to that aforementioned link again. HAHA!
I mean, I've come across many many negative people throughout my life, and all I can say is, whatever. I could care less what they think. You don't pay my bills, I don't care what you think.
So, this upcoming NHL season and the current NFL campaign, if I want to write any bashing articles on overpaid athletes, I really could care less about negative feedback from any reader.
The only regret I have? I was not able to find a photo of Dennis Eckersley and his finger-pointing/fist-pumping gestures, and had to settle for the Nelson "HAHA" picture above.
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